How to Ensure a Successful School Year


Welcome to the new school year! Today we’d like to share with you a few tips to help ensure a smooth transition into making this year the best one yet.

As you look forward to many new adventures in academic growth, it is essential to note three key components. Each will help you gain an unlimited amount of knowledge throughout the school year as you work and learn from one another as students, parents, and educators alike.


1. Attendance

Attendance is based on consistently making it to class on time, ready, and willing to learn. Keeping a positive attitude throughout the school year won’t always be easy, but even on the most challenging days, remember this:


You can achieve and will achieve greatness today, tomorrow, and always.


2. Work Completion

Completing your work is one of the most important parts of learning. Your work should not only be complete but also show quality and effort. Avoid careless errors and take pride and responsibility for what you turn in with your name on it.


3. Communication


Communicate with your kids: Ask open-ended questions that make it hard for your kids to give simple one-word responses. For example, “Tell me about three different times you used your pencil today at school.” Keep the conversation going by making education and learning a part of your daily routine as a family. You can do this by creating a space for homework time around the kitchen table or reading a favorite book or passage before bed.

At School

Communicate with the Teacher: The best time to reach out to your child’s teacher is NOW. Establishing initial contact at the start of the semester can help prevent any surprises during progress report/report card time. Send a quick email, or if available, sign up for that online app that will help you keep track of your child’s progress.
Ask questions: Growth and success is achieved by working side by side and learning from one another. Talk to the teacher about any questions, concerns, or areas of struggle your child may have. Always contact your teacher first if your child is struggling with classwork/homework. If necessary, find an outside resource to help provide added support, for example, make an appointment with a tutor or find online video tutorials on the subject in question.

All in all, make this school year not only educational but enjoyable and memorable! Invest time and effort in to yourself, your education, and your future!