Summer is Almost Here! What to do When School’s Out

How to Avoid the Learning Summer Slide

Let’s face it; during summer vacation, our kids have more time on their hands, and the average student doesn’t want to spend that time doing school work. Unfortunately, if we allow them to do away with all things education for the next few months, they will lose about two months worth of their acquired math and reading skills.

What does this mean?

If we allow our students to go down that summer slide now, when the new school year comes they will start approximately two months behind (considering they ended the school year scoring proficient or better). Unfortunately, if they ended the previous school year at below basic, or far below basic, this places our students even further behind! Subsequently, come the first day of school, the classroom teacher needs to spend the first four to six weeks at the beginning of the school year reteaching old material. Inevitably, this will cut into lessons students need to continue to develop their skills, as well as time that neither the teacher, parents, or students have to waste.

What can you do?

It only takes 2-3 hours per week during summer vacation to prevent learning loss. Whether it’s getting hooked on a new book series, doing free practice on educational sites like KhanAcademy, or signing your kids up for summer learning workshops, it is essential that you encourage your children to continue to practice their skills even while on vacation. Video games, TV show binges, sports teams, and social media filters will all be there waiting for them when they return.